Whitni Alis is a girly girl but also a total nerd. This is diary of her life, things she loves, things she hates and reviews of them.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

If you want to join in head over {HERE}

1.   The TV show/website that I watch/read that I would be embarrassed to tell anyone about is  Well I do tend to watch kid's shows once in awhile. Mainly when I am bored and nothing is good on. No one but my boyfriend knows about this. He makes fun of me because I use to watch Hannah Montana and others.

2.  An item of clothing that is worn and torn but that I love far to much to throw away is I have a lot of shirts that I love but have like one little hole in them. My cat has torn them making the hole, but they are super cute so I won't throw them out.

3.  My grocery store impulse buy is probably just a juicy gossip magazine. I tend to only buy foods I need.

4.  Something I do at work to pass time that I wouldn't want my co-workers to know about is  I work from home so i do not have co-works.

5.  One thing in my life that I could give up, but never will is probably being on the internet so much. 

6.  A little indulgence that I have is  Starbucks for sure. I love Carmel frappuccino

7.  The junk drawer/area in my house is My top drawer in my night stand for sure. I try to organize it but it always is messy. 

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Haha, my husband will watch kid shows if nothing else is on. I beg him not to. :) I hate the dreaded junk drawer. It never seems to get organized.


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