Whitni Alis is a girly girl but also a total nerd. This is diary of her life, things she loves, things she hates and reviews of them.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving !!!


 Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Most people in the U.S. will be getting up, some may be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade or a different one, and some people may be joining in a local Turkey Trot. Afterwards we will head to a family members house or stay home if you hosting Thanksgiving. During the day we will be helping make a Thanksgiving meal or watching football while others cook. Then we will all sit down to a meal with our family and friends at 1:00 pm which is called dinner but really more like lunch. We will give our thanks for the year and then eat until we are as stuffed as the turkey. Then we will rest until we have enough room to gobble down pumpkin pie, apple pie, or cherry pie. Many of us may be invited to more then one house on Thanksgiving so we will get to have two or three Thanksgivings. 

I will be watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and then heading to my grandmothers house with my boyfriend for Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family. Afterwards we will be stopping by my Aunt's house for my mom's side of the family. We will say hi and get to see my other Aunt who is coming home from Georgia. Then we will head home and have Thanksgiving dinner with my boyfriend's mom and grandma. Then at 8:00 pm I will be watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. 

Today I am just relaxing at home with my boyfriend and then tonight we will be making a pumpkin pie for my boyfriend's family meal. 
What are you doing for thanksgiving? Are you traveling to your family's homes or just staying home?

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