Whitni Alis is a girly girl but also a total nerd. This is diary of her life, things she loves, things she hates and reviews of them.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween weekend 2011

I hope everyone had a good Halloween. My Halloween night was very nice and quit. The boyfriend and myself stayed home like we usually do and watched movies/TV shows while giving out candy. We ended up running out of candy around 7:24 pm and shut our door and turned off the lights. It was perfect timing because we had planned on closing the door at 8 pm anyways to watch How I Met Your Mother. Then I made my adult treat strawberry daiquiris. Here is my recap of Halloween weekend 2011 in pictures. Warning it isn't that exciting.

 --I am going to start with our decorations. We didn't have a lot but we did have some cute stuff.

 There are our Halloween decorations which are already now put away :-).

--Friday night we carved our pumpkins. I carved a Hello Kitty face and Tony carved a kind of vampire face. After we carved them we lite them up and took a lot of pictures.

Sadly by Saturday the face at my pumpkin had already fallen into itself by Hello Kitty's ears. Mainly because of the heat and because I accidentally carved part of her bow wrong. But at least I got all of these pretty pictures before that happened.

 On Saturday and Sunday we didn't really do anything other then go grocery shopping and hang around our house.

On Monday we had a day of watching movies since we both work from home right now. We watched Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and then took a break from movies. We then watched the end of Twilight on FX later in the night while eating dinner. For dinner we had pigs in blankets and chips and dip. We watched TV and gave out candy to trick or treaters. We also had Halloween cupcakes that were really cute. We ran out of candy at 7:24 pm and then we watched How I Met Your Mother at 8:00 pm. And I made my strawberry daiquiri yum. Which I already stated at the beginning of the post. 
My Halloween outfit laid out on my bed.

 Cute Pumpkin ear-rings from Avon.

 Pumpkin necklace also from Avon

So there is my Halloween weekend recap with pictures. I told you it wasn't that exciting lol. But it is was what I like doing. Staying at home with the boyfriend and my kittys.


Meghan said...

It looks like a fantastic Halloween celebration! You certainly have way more decorations than I do!

erica said...

Love the Hello Kitty Pumpkin! Very cute pictures. I just found your blog and am your newest follower.


thegirlhassparke said...

I always get so jealous seeing photos of halloween I wish we celebrated here.


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