Whitni Alis is a girly girl but also a total nerd. This is diary of her life, things she loves, things she hates and reviews of them.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Remember Me. It will be hard to forget for sure.

I wanted to see Remember Me since it came out in Theaters last spring. But of course I ended up seeing some movie that my boyfriend wanted to see instead. So it was added to our Netflix list because I never did get to see it. The movie arrived back in October and sat near our TV for over two months. Until today when finally my boyfriend just began watching it. Mostly I think he just played it for we could send it back. So as I watched I thought this is no Twilight. Sure it is also a Summit film but the whole movie seemed boring almost to slow to me. I thought Rob's character was mainly a huge ass to his father. Yes, some of the things his father did were oh not so good but sometimes tried. And he really needed to work on that temper thing. You can not act that way in a school even if the little girl did cut your sister's hair. Oh and Emilie de Ravin's character's father was a complete jack ass. Then as things just seemed to started getting good bam they do a big shocker to everyone. I did not notice all the clues for the year, other then the American Pie 2 in theaters one. But when they showed the date on the school chalk board, I think I gasped. I just could not believe they were ending it like that. Really I did not see it coming. And then they showed him standing there at the window and we knew he was in one of the Twin Towers. The ending was very sad and I had to hold back my own tears. I thought for a moment they were going to show the plane crashing into the building but they didn't. They only showed people on the street looking up towards the towers. In the end I am still happy that I watched it even though it was a little boring.


Morgan said...

Totally agree. A let down for sure!

Megan said...

I wanted to see this movie...thanks for the review! I like your blog title...so cute!


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