Whitni Alis is a girly girl but also a total nerd. This is diary of her life, things she loves, things she hates and reviews of them.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Love is in the air

I saw this on Brittany's blog xoxo, brittany and thought it was a cute idea.

-What are your middle names? Mine is Alis (Pronunciation: AH lis) and Tony's is Wayne.

-How long have you been together? 4 and 1/2 years. It will be 5 years on June 16.  and we aren't married yet. Hmph, I think it is time he proposes lol.

-How long did you know each other before you started dating? I really do not remember. But I know it was not that long.

- Who asked whom out? He asked me out.

-Whose siblings do/did you see the most? That would have to be mine since he does not have any.

-Do you have any children together? We have no children right now. But we plan on it some day. We already have names picked out.

-What about pets? Two cats Oreo and Shadow. But I do want a puppy some day.

-Did you go to the same school? High school no but we did go to the same college.

-Who is the smartest? I would have to say I think we are both pretty smart.

-Who is more sensitive? I would have to say me of course.

-Where do you eat out most as a couple?  Logan's Roadhouse. It is both of our favorite places to eat out. But we do not get to do that often.

-Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? The Bay Area: (Danville and Six Flags), also Sacramento.

-Who has the craziest exes? Um really neither of us has had crazy exes. But I have had more that turned out the be complete assholes.

-Who has the worst temper? Probably me but he does have his days lol.

-Who does the cooking? Usually he does but I will sometimes help. I also will do the cooking sometimes.

-Who is more social? Neither of us sadly. While I like to go out and do things more. We both like to be home watching a movie. But we both a very social via the internet lol.

-Who is the neat-freak? I use to think I was pretty neat until I met Tony. But now I see he is way way more neat then I am. My side of the closet is a mess and his is perfect lol.

-Who is more stubborn? That is a hard one. I may have to come back to it.

-Who hogs the bed? He would say I do because I tend to get cold and roll up in all of the blankets. But he actually takes up most of the actual bed. I will wake up in the middle of the night and be laying on the edge. While he has tons of room left on his edge.

-Who wakes up earlier? He does for sure. He will get up around 6 am while I tend to sleep in. I work from home so I can.

-Where was your first date? I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was over 4 years ago. We went to the Shasta County fair (he won me a green elephant), then we went to the movies, and then finally we went out to dinner (At the Italian Cottage). I told him for our 5 year Anniversary this summer I want to do the same thing.

-Who has the bigger family? Me for sure. My parents have a lot of brothers and sisters. So that equals a lot of cousins, aunts, uncles etc. He is a only child and so is his mom. So he only has his grandma, and then great aunts, and second cousins.

-Do you get flowers often? I use to when he had a regular pay check. But I still get them sometimes now.

-How do you spend the holidays? He usually goes to Thanksgiving with me to my family. Then on Christmas we go to my family parties which aren't on Christmas day. Then on Christmas Eve I spend it with him and his family. Then on Christmas Day I go to my parent's house and he stays with his family. In the future when we are married we will have to figure it out lol.

-Who is more jealous? Um probably me lol.

- How long did it take to get serious? Maybe a month lol.

-Who eats more? um I think him lol.

-Who does/did the laundry? sometimes me, sometimes him, and sometimes we do it together.

-Who’s better with the computer? Him, he taught me all I know.

-Who drives when you are together? Him since I sadly do not have a license. Shh, don't tell. It has been a fear thing forever.

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