Whitni Alis is a girly girl but also a total nerd. This is diary of her life, things she loves, things she hates and reviews of them.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

If you want to join in head to Leigh Ashley's {BLOG}
{one} do you always wear your seat belt in 
the car?
Yes, always.

{two} do you crack your knuckles?
Yes, it is a habit.

{three} what is your favorite flavor of gum?
cinnamon and bubble gum.

{four} what is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
My promise ring that my boyfriend bought me.

Sorry for the bad image. I didn't have one taken by my camera.
{five} who is your best friend?
I have had a best friend since I was a baby. Her name is Morgan, my mom babysat her when we were little. She lived two houses down from us. We then moved away but still stayed in touch and visited whenever we could. It wasn't too hard because we only lived a hour away from each other. If you follow me on Twitter I have mentioned that she is moving back to California this month from Florida.
My other best friend is my boyfriend Anthony. I love him with all of my heart. 
{six} what is your favorite smell?
My perfume and my boyfriend's cologne.

{seven} what is your favorite lunch meat?

{eight} do you still have your tonsils?
No, I had them removed when I was little.

{nine} do you untie your shoes before you take them off?
No, I tie them on the inside for I do not have to untie them.

{ten} what color is your car?
I do not own a car. My boyfriend has a black car.


Rebekah said...

I have a promise ring from my husband, too! Sadly, I haven't been able to find it since we moved here. I can't stand to pop my knuckles. Dylan always tries to, but it hurts!

Sarah said...

Beautiful ring =)


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